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White Coat Ceremony Oath - Long Beach State University

IMG_3211-COLLAGEMy daughter Crason recently participated in a White Coat Ceremony at Long Beach State University at the start of her nursing program.

This ceremony is done at"enlightened" medical schools for doctors and nurses that expose their students at the beginning of their program with their "oath" of service vice at the end.

I believe this follows the best practices from Franklin Covey's thinking of "The End In Mind" and David Allen's thoughts on "Outcoming Thinking."

This is the oath the student took at the end of the ceremony:

In dedicating myself to the profession of nursing, I solemnly pledge that I will:

  • Uphold the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering as my primary concerns;
  • Act in a compassionate and trustworthy maner in all aspects of my care;
  • Treate my patients, peers, and faculty with kindness, respect, and dignity;
  • Apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes of my patients;
  • Exercise sound profressional judgetment while abiding by legal and ethical requirements;
  • Accept the lifelong obligation to improve my professional knowledge and comptenence;
  • Contribute to a healthy and safe learning environment;
  • Promote, advocate for and strive to protect the health, safterty, and rights of the patient, regardless of their social or economic status, personal attributes, or nature of their health problems.

With this pledge, I accept the duties and responsiblities that embody the nursing profession.

I take this oath voluntarily and with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public, my patients, and thier families.

My 2023 Daily Morning Personal Devotion Plan

Thought-catalog-505eectW54k-unsplashPhoto by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Back in 2019, I embarked on a daily morning personal devotion and growth plan by reading these two books on my Kindle Paperwhite (no ads):

Since then, I've rotated the faith devotional book yearly, but I have kept re-reading the The Daily Stoic (it is really that good).  The previous faith devotionals were:

In addition to reading these, I have been practicing journaling whatever comes to mind before my readings. Looking back over my journaling, I see some themes: what happened the day before, or what is going to happen soon; prayers; concerns/worries; and insight into how I am feeling or how I am doing professionally and personally.  I also capture some thoughts or ideas that stand out from my readings. I have tried to journal both on paper and digitally. I have currently settled on paper.  I am currently using a Moleskin that was given to me by

Another practice I have been doing is high-lighting those verses mentioned in the faith devotionals in my Bible (NIV Faithlife Study Bible: Intriguing Insights To Inform Your Faith).  It is becoming very interesting to see what verses get used across different authors, and those that only get one or two mentions.  An additional insight is how much of the Bible hasn't been referenced. It is also especially interesting to me when my "Faith Daily Devotional" is very aligned with the "Stoic Daily Read."

This year I am going to read in the morning:

I am looking forward to Rolf's book as I've been listening to his podcast for years, and he inspired me to take this Europe Trip in 2019.

NOTE: Links to things you can buy go to Amazon Prime.
