Thoughts & Tips for June & July 2021
GTD Tip: Moving Content Someday/Maybe Items Into A Different List Manager

Getting Things Done (GTD) Journals #1-3

I was recently cleaning out my office at work so that I could share the office with another co-worker, and I came across the printed versions of David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) Journal #2 (2007) & #3 (2008) which were produced for members of GTD Connect.

I reached out to John Forrister at GTD Connect to see if it was OK for me to scan the two journals I had into PDFs and post them.  He kindly said it was OK to post them, but he also surprised me by sent me the PDF versions so I wouldn't have to scan them.  The icing on the cake was that John also sent GTD Journal #1 (2006 or 2007?) which I had never seen.  Thanks John!

So here they are:

GTD-Quarterly-v1n1-graphicGTD Journal #1 (PDF Download)

GTD Journal #1 table of contents:

  1. Cleaning and clearing
  2. The 5 Phases of GTD workflow - Restated
  3. The powerful “10” factor
  4. Checklisting
  5. ROI for a paper-based filing system that works
  6. Writing your own testimonial
  7. One GTD List that’s already working for most everybody
  8. Apropos of nothing special
  9. A case for a soft focus and serendipity
  10. Just a second–is that another blog?
  11. The Budding Gourmet
  12. List Talk

GTD-Quarterly-v1n2-graphicGTD Journal #2 (PDF Download)

GTD Journal #2 table of contents:

  1. Who’s Connected
  2. A “Personal vs. Professional Conversation”
  3. Validating Voices
  4. Categorizing Action Lists The David Allen Way
  5. Decision Making And Next Actions
  6. Have Your Lists Become Listless?
  7. How Old Do You Need To Be To Get Things Done?
  8. Book Review: The Power Of A Positive No
  9. When A Checklist Is A Next Action
  10. David Allen’s Personal Tool Kit

GTD-Quarterly-v1n3-graphicGTD Journal #3 (PDF Download)

GTD Journal #3 table of contents:

  1. Speed is Key: Making the Most of Your Computer Time
  2. File Folders? Priceless!
  3. Reducing Your Junk Email
  4. The Strategic Applications of GTD
  5. The Weekly Review Booklet
  6. This is Your Elephant on GTD
  7. A Capture Tip for Travelers
  8. Next Time In...
  9. A GTD Reminder
  10. A Message to David
  11. Email, Hamsters and Literacy
  12. What Goes in My Tickler File
  13. Getting Things Done with an iPhone
  14. Rumble Strips
  15. Betty
  16. GTD and Martin Buber
  17. GTD at Home: Improving Communication
  18. The Benefits of GTD
  19. GTD Tips from a Commuter Mom
  20. GTD & Vacations
  21. More on GTD & Vacations



These are excellent! Love the line in the first one: "-In a Microsoft-conducted survey of 38,000 people, the average e-mail volume of
workers per day was 50." I bet that number's a bit higher now! Thank you for posting.

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