Introduction To Getting Things Done (GTD) Presentation Offer
Saturday, May 01, 2021
I was recently asked by the team to present to their M-Conference monthly collaboration Zoom meeting on the topic of David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD).
It was a lot of fun to put together the material, share my personal GTD journey, summarize current training & coaching offerings, provide some tips & insights, and summarize some great resources available. The Question & Answer (Q&A) during the presentation and at the end was also super cool.
This is what the presentation covered:
I would be more than willing to provide the same presentation to other groups or organizations. Just let me know!
As a bonus, here are all the links I referenced:
- GTD Workflow Map
- GTD Methodology Guides
- My Guided Weekly Review
- GTD Training (U.S. & Canada)
- GTD Coaching (U.S. & Canada)
- GTD Training & Coaching Worldwide (Local Partners)
- Kairos Cognition
- GTD Setup Guides for Software Programs & Paper Systems
- GTD Audio Programming
- Official GTD Podcasts
- GTD Virtual Study Group
- GTD Nordic Podcasts (Their overview of GTD podcasts are really good!)
- Change Your Game Podcast (GTD via Next Action Associations)
- GTD CONNECT (online service, 14-days free, $30 a month)
- MindManager in Microsoft Teams
- NirvanaHQ (my Current Personal GTD External System)
Also the company that did the GTD Workflow Map graphic for David Allen has a ton of free resources at:
And here are my notes from attending the M Conference in 2019.