Thoughts & Tips for March & April 2021
Thoughts & Tips for May 2021

Introduction To Getting Things Done (GTD) Presentation Offer

Title Slide

I was recently asked by the team to present to their M-Conference monthly collaboration Zoom meeting on the topic of David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD).

It was a lot of fun to put together the material, share my personal GTD journey, summarize current training & coaching offerings, provide some tips & insights, and summarize some great resources available.  The Question & Answer (Q&A) during the presentation and at the end was also super cool.

This is what the presentation covered:

Table Of Contents

I would be more than willing to provide the same presentation to other groups or organizations. Just let me know!

As a bonus, here are all the links I referenced:

Also the company that did the GTD Workflow Map graphic for David Allen has a ton of free resources at:

And here are my notes from attending the M Conference in 2019. 


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