Thoughts & Tips for February 2020
Saturday, February 01, 2020
Christy and I had a great weekend trip to Yuma to see one of our favorite 80's cover bands - Checker'd Past.
I made some updates to the Europe 2019 Trip Blog over the Christmas Holidays.
Christmas was awesome. The time off from work was refreshing. I had some pretty good beers!
In early January, we had a great Australian foreign exchange student for a week or so. We got to do a lot of fun stuff around San Diego while she was here, and eat at all our favorite places.
Our Vietnamese student for the last year has moved on to a place closer to SDSU. It is going to be weird not having a foreign exchange student in our house.
Our church is doing the RED LETTER CHALLENGE (#rlc). Just finished day 19 of 40. Pretty good study.
I really enjoyed the last Star Wars movie "The Rise of Skywalker." Spencer and I saw it on opening weekend, and then we went back later so I could see it again.
If you read David Allen's Getting Things Done a while back and are looking for some podcast references to maybe jump start your system, then you might want to check out this blog post I did on the subject.
My home older Dell Windows 10 system has been having some BIOS boot issues so I decided to upgrade to a new system. Some key tech specs that I was looking as key: boot drive on SSD; more than 8-GB of RAM; and latest generation Intel processor. I ended up with an Intel i5 processor vs. Intel i7 processor because of a deal at Costco. The first thing I did was remove the bundled 3rd party software and many of the Microsoft add-ons that I know I didn't want. It took about 4 hours to get the system stabilized and ready to migrate data and services.
I recently picked up a "Ninety7 JOT Portable Battery Base for Google Home Mini" that enables the Mini to be portable so I can take it outside or into another room. Very helpful for listening to music or podcasts while at home.
- There is a UCSD Triton Sprint Triathlon coming up that I am considering if the weather holds.
- We got more GTD Participant Kits from VitalSmarts at work, so I can go back to teaching a class every other month starting in February or March. We also go our 2nd Certified Trainer trained so that is going to make my teaching schedule more manageable.
- The Super Bowl is tomorrow (2/2/2020)!
"People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures." - F.M. Alexander