Experiencing Amsterdam 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019
SUMMARY -- Amsterdam was one of the cities that we spent more time than others ... mostly because I was attending Getting Things Done (GTD) Summit 2019. The conference was 2 days (Thursday and Friday). We arrived on Wednesday from Rome. We left on Saturday for Berlin.
Here is a collection of photos from Amsterdam:
- Walking Tour the first day
- Food on the first day
- Big Weather the first day
- Walking Tours on the 2nd and 3rd day (Mostly Conrad photos)
- Light Dinner & beer at Little Delirium at the Central Station
- Dinner at Castels
Some additional thoughts about Amsterdam:
- The train from the airport to Central Station was pretty easy to navigate.
- The airport in Amsterdam was pretty nice and easy to move around in.
- Taking the bus from Central Station to the GTD Conference was super easy.
- Our hotel was on the other side of Central Station and required a ferry ride. The ferry was free and left every 15 minutes.
- The hotel we stayed in worked for us but it wasn't super great. There was no air conditioning so luckily for us it never got very hot. I think the room we had would have been less than ideal if the weather got warm.
- Rain comes and goes in Amsterdam. Even that big storm on the first night was basically over in 15 minutes.
- Lots of bikes.
- Walking in Amsterdam to and from our dinner and after GTD Conference events was good.
- There is a subway system that we used the last day that worked out pretty well.
- More info about Little Delirium.
- More info about Castels.