Some Recommendations For Headphones
Saturday, February 15, 2014
I am pretty happy with my Sennheiser HD202 headphones that I use at work, my Sony MDR-XD-200 that I use at home, and my travel audio-technica Quiet-Point ATA-ANC7.
I picked each one specific to issues I was trying to resolve where I use headphones. The HD202 cover my ears very comfortably, but aren't so noise reducing that if someone knocked on my office door I would still hear them. The MDR-XD-200 were 50% off, have excel sound quality, and are something you can wear for hours without much fatigue which is great for movies and audio editing. The Quiet Points were cheaper than the Bose that I had before the were stolen, and fold up pretty well in thier protected case for travel.
Even though I'm content, I find it very interesting to get other folks opinions, suggestions, recommendations, etc. on headphones.
A recent This Week In Google (TWIG) [#234] recommended the following after discussing the recent ad during the Super Bowl for Beats:
- @kevinmarks: Sennheiser 280 Pro (~$90)
- +leolaporate: AKG K240 MK II Studio Headphones (~$115)
- +jeffjarvis: Beats Studio (~$280)
- Alex/John: ATH-M50 (~$150)
- The Wirecutter: Bose QuietComfort (~$299)
Leo also mentioned that Headroom was a good site with more info. And the Home Theater Geeks podcast have several very detailed podcasts in their library about headphones. If you want to get very technical on headphones (and even some ear buds) these podcasts are highly recommended.
So ... do you have a favorite headphone? And why?