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Michael Geoghegan recently pointed out that Tim Bourquin has an update to the 'Wired article issue last November with Tim's Portable Media Expo and Adam Curry's Podshow.' 

It is interesting that the author of that Wired article - Steve Friess - is now doing a podcast for Podshow, and that Adam Curry has a comment on Tim's blog post.  Tim makes a great point in response to Adam's comment that this is a "slippery slope."

My transparency statement on the topic is this: I am definitely a huge fan Michael's Reel Reviews podcast, and Tim's Podcast Brothers podcast.  And I think that the Portable Media Expo is an awesome idea, and I do have a submission for a speaker position for the 2006 show called Audacity 101 (not confirmed for the show though). We were also, along with Tim's brother Emile, the first members of the Orange County Podcasters.


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