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One Key Lesson Learned From 2004

If you go over to Dann Sheridan's site on you'll see he will be soon leaving San Diego for Chicago. I wish him & his wonderful family all the best in his transition back to Wolters Kluwer/Chicago.  As one of the most gifted technologists I have ever had the privilege to work with, I am sure it will be very smooth.

It was almost this time last year, that I started a dialog with Dann to get Dann to come out to San Diego to work in one of the integration labs that I am responsible for. Things finally fell into place in July.

Unfortunately, things got very complicated this past October, and in the course of events, most of the labs functions were eliminated.  One of the "coolest" things I have ever been a part of has been mothballed for the foreseeable future.

One of the key lessons I learned from all this hit me like a load of bricks while reading Tom Peter's recent book recommendations:

"The Fred Factor" by Mark Sanborn with this quote from Fred-the-Postman: "Nobody can prevent you from choosing to be exceptional"; and psychologist & concentration camp survivor Victor Frankl's "They (the SS) cannot steal your ability to choose the attitude with which you will address the day."

The closing of this integration lab continues to be my responsibility; but I made several leadership decisions and allowed others to influence my attitude instead of controlling it myself. This ultimately led me into a position of being on the sidelines during the decision making processes surrounding the future of the lab instead at the front leading to keep it a valued resource.

So ... my end of 2004 wish for those that like to learn from others mistakes ... take 100% ownership of your daily attitude and never give it up no matter who on the other end is trying to take it from you.


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