Saturday, December 27, 2003
David Byrne (Talking Heads) is making "art" via Microsoft Powerpoint. [yahoo]
David Byrne (Talking Heads) is making "art" via Microsoft Powerpoint. [yahoo]
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently published "Special Publication 800-53: Recommended Security Controls For Federal Information Systems."
Wi-Fi Planet examines the future of merging RFID and Wi-Fi. has a good review of what is happinging in the SCO/Linux legal battleground. I think what SCO is doing is very wrong.
Poll: Dean Trailing Bush by Wide Margin is an interesting read.
Phil Windley's Mesh Networks and OnStar posts reminded me of a thought I had recently driving home from work. Wouldn't it be cool if "smart" cars could communicate with each other on current speeds, and this "mesh" could tell you when traffic slowed on the highway when it might be speeding back up.
Another idea would be cars communicating where they got gas at last (location) and at what price. So as your car got low on gas it could query the knowledgebase and see if there is a place near by with "lower" price gas.
Wow ... 10 days without a post. I've been very busy with work and my family has been struggling with the flu and colds. That makes weblogging a luxury that seemed to be not so important.
The MOCHa Platform Architecture looks interesting for distributing "rich" content that was built as a collection of independent efforts. has posted their The 25 Best Products of the Year for 2003.
In the not too distant future, I am predicting that "personal" RFID solutions will enable me to not forget the things I need to take with me every day to work. I am constantly loading up for work and forgetting my pager, cellphone, lunch, coffee container, gym bag, etc. And it personally drives me nuts that I can't remember to bring all my "stuff" with me on a regular basis. Right now this market is just getting started thanks to Walmart and UPS/Fedex in the business world (vertical?), but look out for horizontal (mainstream?) applications.